Tuesday, August 4, 2009

The Film: "An Inconvenient Truth"

When we say inconvenient truth its like troublesome, bothersome or difficult truth. In the movie, the problem is global warming and its because of the carbon dioxide and other gases warm the surface of our planet naturally by trapping solar heat in the atmosphere. This is a good thing because it keeps our planet habitable. However, by burning fossil fuels such as coal, gas and oil and clearing forests we have dramatically increased the amount of carbon dioxide in the Earth’s atmosphere and temperatures are rising. I think we as a human being can help to solve this problem by not burning fossils fuels and by taking care of our environment. MCL can help solve our environment by creating a program which will keep the environment clean and in proper used and by avoiding burning coal, gas and oil as an individuals.

6th meeting: "Challenges"

I take the challenge where in I get high score in quiz or seatwork, well, I can proudly say that I got high scores on my previous quiz and seatwork in my subjects. And I realize that I can passed my subjects if I will just study my lessons and read my books as a guide where we can see the next lesson that we will be studying.

10th meeting: "Peer Pressure"

In my high school days, there was a time when some of my friends ask me do a thing that I really do not want to do because I know that it will cause damage and pain for other people. And I, as a person I know that I'am the one who will make my own decision, it could be for good or for bad. But that time, I disagree with them, I did not do what they ask me to do because I believe that if they are really my friends, then they will accept my desicions and they will not make me a bad person but they will support and guide me to be a better person.

9th meeting: "Responsibilities"

1. A responsible person knows his/her duties to his/her family, friends, school and community.
2. My responsibilities at home is to help and clean the house, in school to obey the rules and respect the name of it, as well as my professors and my co-students. In my community Imy responsibility is to help to progress and development of our community.

8th meeting: "Honesty"

I want to commit honesty by always telling the truth, return recovered things, admit mistake, return excess change and by avoiding cheating. All of these happened to me, In my highschool life, I found 100pesos near our locker and I give it to our principal in case someone might searching it. I also know that admitting my mistake, telling the truth and avoiding cheating will be fair to everyone. It will make me a better person and for accepting what can I do best and what will be the effects on others. I always return the excess change that I encounter most of the time.

7th meeting: "Peronal Health Assessment"

So far I'm in a good health. I avoid drinking alcoholic drinks and smoking. I eat healthy foods. I prefer balanced diet, and regular exercise. By knowing my personal health assessment I realize that I must be capable of the illness that I might get around me. And I must protect myself to it, By eating lots of nutritious foods.

5th meeting: "The Most Challenging Thing I have ever Accomplished"

For me, The most challenging thing that I accomplished is our convocation or musical play. Where we act the classical movie "OLIVER". We make the props, costumes, and the sounds and lights. Its very hard for me to go out to stage and perform in front of many people watching us because I'm a shy type person, who enjoys quiet time. But then, we successfully, perform it after a long preparation, and worst side comments of our teachers. It also became very difficult to finish our musical play because some members of our section are very sensitive and lazy but then, with the cooperation of some member we successfully finish it.

4th meeting: "Self-Evaluation"

1. First I'm very happy because the people around me, accept me for who I am and second they give me their trust. And I realize that I can do the same for them, I don't want to judge them first, I want to get to know them well.
2. a. -well I want them to not judge me and not to laugh.
-I want them to respect my opinions.
-I want them to listen to me and respect my suggestion.
-I want them to not judge me and make bad comments.
-I will tell them that I don't want to do it in proper way.
-I will respect and consider their opinions and suggestions.
b. I will respect them and treat them well, I will not judge them in any way.

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

One outstanding virtue I want it to be..

I want it to be leadership because I want to improve more of my skills and abilities to be able to be a good leader and to improve my confidence and self-esteem. And I want to start it now here in MCL.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Agents of socialization

Based on the lesson 8, Agents of socialization is a groups or people that influence our behavior, emotions, attitudes and self-concept. For me, the one who influenced me most is my family because they are the one who taught me good values and right morals. They are the one who provide foods, clothing, shelter and education for me to enhance my skills, abilities and to learn. My family gave me love and support in everything I do. They are the one who protect and defend me in every bad situation.

Friday, June 26, 2009


  1. My first week in MCL was great. I met new friends and classmates. And of course my professors. We already began some new lesson that we will encounter in our first term.
  2. All of my professors are nice and very supportive but some of them are strict specially when it comes to our lecture and assignment. My humanities professor Mrs. Dela Cruz, we really like her very much because she always encourage us that life is beautiful. While Mr. Henry Paz is a very good professor but very strict in our drawing class, but we know that it is for our own good. My math, english, IT and social science professor is very much supportive. Of course our professor Ms. Mondez is very good in teaching and in communicating with students.
  3. My blockmates are very fun to be with. They have different attitudes and characteristics. And most of them are very sociable. I think our strengths will be if we work as a team and cooperate with each one of us.
  4. At first it will be very difficult for us to handle our courses but then as time will pass we will learn more and take any challenges so we can all succeed to our goals and perspective.
  5. For sure all of us need to adjust, in our academics, we must take all the challenges that will come through. And for our emotions, we must control it and take full responsibility of our action. For social environment, we must cooperate and try to socialize with them.

Friday, June 19, 2009

Values Education

  1. Values Education can help me learn more about righteous values so I can adopt good values and implies it to my daily life.
  2. After my first week in mcl as a college student, I can easily adjust my mental and emotional abilities with the help of my co-students and my mentors for giving me challenges and knowledge in entering college life.
  3. My Transition in high school to college.
  • During my highschool days I study hard so I can be prepared for college.
  • I start preparing myself from any challenges and possible problems that I may encounter in college.
  • i improve my skills, knowledge, and abilities for entering college life.